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Selected References
- Ahmed, S., El-Asser, M., et al. (1980) “Cleaning Latexes for Surface Characterization by Serum Replacement.” J. of Colloid and Interfacial Science 73: 388.
- Hechemy, K., and Michaelson, E. (1984) “Latex Particle Assay in Laboratory Medicine, Part 1.” Lab Management June/July(27).
- Seaman, G., and Goodwin J. (1986) “Physiochemical Factors in Latex Rapid Agglutination Tests.” Amer. Clin. Prod. Rev. June(26).
- Schwenzer, K. MacCrindle, C. (1985) “Particle Concentration Fluorescence Immunoassay: Clinical Applications.” Clin. Lab Prod. Sept(21).
- Jolley, M. E., C.-H. J. Wang, et al. (1984). “Particle concentration fluorescence immunoassay (PCFIA): a new, rapid immunoassay technique with high sensitivity.” Journal of Immunological Methods 67(1): 21-35.
- Leahy, D., Shah, D., et al. (1992) “A Method for Attachment of Peptides to Solid Surface with Enhanced Immunoreactivity.” BioTechniques 13(5): 738.
- Leahy, D., Shah, D., et al. (1992) “Improved Serological Detection of Hepatitis C Virus with a Paramagnetic Microparticles Assay using Multiple Antigenic Sequences.” Transfusion 32(6): 548.
- Todd, J., Kink, J., Shah, D., et al. “A Novel Semi-automated Paramagnetic Microparticle Based Enzyme Immunoassay for Hepatitis C Virus: Its Application to Serological Testing.” J. of Immunoassay, Vol. 13 (3), 393
- Phillips, D., Reimer, C., et al. (1980) “Quantitative Characterization of Specificity and Potency of Conjugated Antibody with Solid-Phase, Antigen Bead Standards.” J. of Immunol. Methods 34: 315.
- Kreuter, J., Berg, U., et al. (1986). “Influence of the particle size on the adjuvant effect of particulate polymeric adjuvants.” Vaccine 4(2): 125-129.
- Hadfield, S. G., Lane, A., et al. (1987). “A novel coloured latex test for the detection and identification of more than one antigen.” Journal of Immunological Methods 97(2): 153-158.
- Staros, J., Wright, R., et al. (1986) “Enhancement by N-Hydroxysulfo-Succinimide of Water-Soluble Carbodiimide Mediated Coupling Reagents.” Analytical Chem. 156: 220.
- Van den Hul, H. and Vanderhoff, J. (1972) “The Characterization of Latex Particle Surface by Ion Exchange and Conductiometric Titration.” Journal Electroanalytical Chemistry 37: 161.
- Sinclair, Bob. (1998) “To Bead or Not To Bead - Application of Magnetic Bead Technology.” The Scientist June(22):16-19.
- SafarIk, I. and M. SafarIková (1999). “Use of magnetic techniques for the isolation of cells.” Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications 722(1-2): 33-53.
Selected References: Flow Cytometry Calibration, Multiplex, and Absolute Counting Particles
- Duling, T., and Waldschmit, T. (1993) “Quality Assurance on Research Instruments Utilizing a 4 Intensity Bead Mixture to Record Sensitivity.” ISAC XVI Abstract #391B, Cytometry Supplement 6: 47: Using RCP-20-5 and RFP-20-5.
- Bell, A., and Shenton, B. (1994) “Quality Control in Flow Cytometry.” ISA XVII Abstracts #142B, Cytometry Supplement 7: 38: Using RCP-30-5.
- Mathai, J., Bigos, M., et al. (1994) “Analysis of Calibration Data from Flow Cytometers.” ISAC XVII, Abstract # 143C, Cytometry Supplement 7: 38: Using RFP-30-5A.
- Bell, A., Barnett, D., et al. (1996) “Quality Control and the Value of Quantitation in Immunophenotyping-A Multicenter Study.” ISAC XVIII Abstract #IH83, Cytometry Supplement 8: 86: Using RCP-30-5.
- Iyer, S., Hultin, L., et al. (1998). “Quantitation of CD38 Expression Using QuantiBRITE Beads.” Cytometry 33: 206-212: Using RCP-30-5A.
- Lanweiler, M. “Procedure Manual, Flow Cytometry Laboratory, Dartmouth-Mary Hitchcock Hospital.” Web Site: Using RCP-30-5 and FP-3056-5.
- Chase, E., and Hoffman, R. A. (1998) “Resolution of Dimly Fluorescent Particles: A Practical Measure of Fluorescence Sensitivity.” Cytometry. 35(26): 267-279: Using RCP-30-5A.
- Shapiro, H. M., Perlmutter, N. G., et al. (1998). “A flow cytometer designed for fluorescence calibration.” Cytometry 33(2): 280-287: Using RCP-30-5A.
- Hultin, L. E., Matud, J. L., et al. (1999). “ Quantitation of CD38 Activation Antigen Expression on CD8+ T Cells in HIV-1 Infection Using CD4 Expression on CD4+ T Lymphocytes as a Biological Calibrator.” Cytometry 33:123-132: Using RCP-30-5A.
- Molete, J. M., Petrykowska, H., et al. (2001). “Sequences Flanking Hypersensitive Sites of the g-Globin Locus Control Region Are Required for Synergistic Enhancement.” Mol. Cell. Biol. 21(9): 2969-2980: Using RCP-30-5.
- Kraan, J., Gratama, J.W., et al. (2003) “Setting up a calibration of a flow cytometer for multicolor immunophenotyping.” J. of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents: 223-233: Using RQC-4K.
- Lau, J. P., K. L. Weatherdon, et al. (2004). “Effects of gemcitabine on APE//ref-1 endonuclease activity in pancreatic cancer cells, and the therapeutic potential of antisense oligonucleotides.” Br J Cancer 91(6): 1166-1173. : Using RCP-30-5.
- Perfetto, S. P., Ambrozak, D., et al. (2006). “Quality assurance for polychromatic flow cytometry.” Nat. Protocols 1(3): 1522-1530. Using RCP-30-5A.
- Givan, A. L. (2007). “A Flow Cytometric Assay for Quantitation of Rare Antigen-Specific T Cells: Using Cell-Tracking Dyes to Calculate Precursor Frequencies for Proliferation.” Immunological Investigations 36(5/6): 563-580. : Using RCP-30-5.
- Ratei, R., L. Karawajew, et al. (2007). “Discriminant function analysis as decision support system for the diagnosis of acute leukemia with a minimal four color screening panel and multiparameter flow cytometry immunophenotyping.” Leukemia (08876924) 21(6): 1204-1211. : Using RFP-60-5 and RCP-30-5A.
- Lawrence, W. G., G. Varadi, et al. (2008). “Enhanced red and near infrared detection in flow cytometry using avalanche photodiodes.” Cytometry Part A 73A(8): 767-776.: Using URCP-38-2K.
- Schulze-Horsel, J., Y. Genzel, et al. (2008). “Flow cytometric monitoring of influenza A virus infection in MDCK cells during vaccine production.” BMC Biotechnology 8(1): 45. : Using ECFP-F1-5K.
- Shenton, B. K., Manas, D., et al. (2001). “Immune monitoring of anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) treatment in transplant patients.” Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews 1(6): 347-371: Using ACFP-100-3
- Sobolewski, P., I. Gramaglia, et al. (2005). “Plasmodium berghei Resists Killing by Reactive Oxygen Species.” Infect. Immun. 73(10): 6704-6710. : Using AccuCount Particles.
- FLOWPRATM Specific Antibody Detection Test by One Lambda, Inc. (www.onelambda.com): Using FA-3558-6K and FB-3558-6K Fluorescent Particle Kits
- Cookson, N. A., S. W. Cookson, et al. (2009). “Cell cycle-dependent variations in protein concentration.” Nucl. Acids Res.: gkp1069. : Using PPS-6K.
- Saunders, M., Graves, S. , , et al. (2010). " High-Throughput Multiplex Flow Cytometry Screening for Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A Light Chain Protease Inhibitors."ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies. 8(1): 37-46: Using Pink Fluorescent Strepavidin Coated Multiplex Assay Development Particles.
- Oakey, J., R. W. Applegate, et al. (2010). "Particle Focusing in Staged Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Flow Cytometry." Analytical Chemistry 82(9): 3862-3867.: Using URCP-100-6K
- Castrique, E., M. Fernandez-Fuente, et al. (2010). "Use of a prolactin-Cre/ROSA-YFP transgenic mouse provides no evidence for lactotroph transdifferentiation after weaning, or increase in lactotroph/somatotroph proportion in lactation." Journal of Endocrinology 205(1): 49-60.: Using PPS-6K
- Zhang, H. H., K. Song, et al. (2010). "CCR2 Identifies a Stable Population of Human Effector Memory CD4+ T Cells Equipped for Rapid Recall Response." The Journal of Immunology 185(11): 6646-6663.: Using AccuCount fluorescent beads
- Prevodnik et al. (2011) "The predictive significance of CD20 expression in B-cell lymphomas. " Diagnostic Pathology 6:33: Using RCP-30-5A and PMT QC Template for MEF calculations
- Linnstaedt, S. D., E. Gottwein, et al. (2010). "Virally Induced Cellular MicroRNA miR-155 Plays a Key Role in B-Cell Immortalization by Epstein-Barr Virus." J. Virol. 84(22): 11670-11678.: Using ACBP-50-10
- Chew, S. L., M. Y. Or, et al. (2011). "Stability Screening of Arrays of Major Histocompatibility Complexes on Combinatorially Encoded Flow Cytometry Beads." Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(32): 28466-28475.: Using SVFA-2552-6K, SVFB-2552-6K, and SVPAK-5067-10K
- News-Medical.net. " Performance Testing of CytoFLEX Flow Cytometer." 9 April 2015. http://www.news-medical.net/whitepaper/20150408/Performance-Testing-of-CytoFLEX-Flow-Cytometer.aspx
- Erdbrugger, U., Rudy, C. K., E. Etter, M., Dryden, K. A., Yeager, M., Klibanov, A. L. and Lannigan, J. (2014), Imaging flow cytometry elucidates limitations of microparticle analysis by conventional flow cytometry. Cytometry, 85: 756–770. doi: 10.1002/cyto.a.22494 ABSTRACT
Selected References: Polystyrene Fluorescent Particles
- Beavis, A., and Pennline, K. J. (1994) “Flow Cytometric Applications for Fluorescent Particles: Phenotypic Analysis of Murine Leukocytes by 6-color Immunofluorescence (IF) Without Cross-laser Compensation.” Cytometry Supplement 7: 45: Using FP-0570-2.
- Beavis, A. J., Garlisi, C. G., et al. (1994) “Detection of IL2 Cytokine mRNA in Murine Spleen Cells by Flow Cytometry and Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (FISH).” Cytometry Supplement 7: 66: Using FP-0545-2.
- Beavis, A. J., Pennline, K. J. (1996). “Detection of Cell-Surface Antigens Using Antibody-Conjugated Fluorospheres (ACF): Application for Six-Color Immunofluorescence.” Bio Technique Sept (21):498-503: Using FP-0570-2.
- Novo, D. J., Perlmutter, N. G., et al. (2000). “Multiparameter Flow Cytometric Analysis of Antibiotic Effects on Membrane Potential, Membrane Permeability, and Bacterial Counts of Staphylococcus aureus and Micrococcus luteus.” Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 44(4): 827-834: Using FP-4070-2.
- Kim, B. M., S. Qian, et al. (2005). “Filling Carbon Nanotubes with Particles.” Nano Letters 5(5): 873-878. : Using FP-00552-2.
- Czibener, C., N. M. Sherer, et al. (2006). “Ca2+ and synaptotagmin VII-dependent delivery of lysosomal membrane to nascent phagosomes.” J. Cell Biol. 174(7): 997-1007. : Using Fluorescent Particles.
- Derveaux, S., B. G. De Geest, et al. (2007). “Multifunctional Layer-by-Layer Coating of Digitally Encoded Microparticles.” Langmuir 23(20): 10272-10279. : Using CFP-40052-2 and FCFM-40052-100.
- Vachon, E., R. Martin, et al. (2007). “CD44-mediated phagocytosis induces inside-out activation of complement receptor-3 in murine macrophages.” Blood 110(13): 4492-4502. : Using Pink Fluorescent Particles.
- Hsu, K. M., J. R. Pratt, et al. (2009). “Murine cytomegalovirus displays selective infection of cells within hours after systemic administration.” J Gen Virol 90(1): 33-43. :
- Using Aqua Green Fluorescent Particles.
- Skrzeszewska, P. J., J. Sprakel, et al. (2010). "Fracture and Self-Healing in a Well-Defined Self-Assembled Polymer Network." Macromolecules 43(7): 3542-3548.: Using FP-10052-2.
- Lomas, M. W. and S. B. Moran (2011). "Evidence for aggregation and export of cyanobacteria and nano-eukaryotes from the Sargasso Sea euphotic zone." Biogeosciences 8(1): 203-216.: Using FP-0556-2 and FP-2056-2
Selected References: Fluorescent Particle Slides
- Zucker, R. M. and Price, O. T. (1999) “Practical Confocal Microscopy and the Evaluation of System Performance.” Methods 18: 447-458: Using FPS-10057
- Zucker, R. M. and Price, O. T. (2001) “Evaluation of Confocal Microscopy System Performance.” Cytometry 44: 273-294: Using FPS-10057, FPS-5042, FPS-5052, and FPS-5070.
- Zucker, R. M. and Price, O. T. (2001) “Statistical Evaluation of Confocal Microscopy Images.” Cytometry 44: 295-308: Using FPS-10057, and FPS-6057-3.
- Peterson, R. A., D. L. Krull, et al. (2008). “Applications of Laser Scanning Cytometry in Immunohistochemistry and Routine Histopathology.” Toxicol Pathol 36(1): 117-132. : Using Fluorescent Particle Slides.
Selected References: Color Dyed Polystyrene Particles
- Carter, D. J. and R. B. Cary (2007). “Lateral flow microarrays: a novel platform for rapid nucleic acid detection based on miniaturized lateral flow chromatography.” Nucl. Acids Res. 35(10): e74-.: Using CPB-03-10.
Selected References: Polystyrene Particles
- Hurst, G. B., Buchanan, M. V., Foote, L. J., and Kennel, S. J., “Analysis for TNF-α Using Solid-Phase Affinity Capture with Radiolabel and MALDI-MS Detection.” Analytical Chemistry 71, 4727-4733 (1999): Using AP-08-10
- Kellermayer, M. S. Z., Smith, S. B., et al. (2001). “Mechanical Fatigue in Repetitively Stretched Single Molecules of Titin.” Biophysical Journal 80(2): 852-863.: Using CP-30-10
- Cai, Y., W. P. Peng, et al. (2001). “Single-Particle Mass Spectrometry of Polystyrene Microspheres and Diamond Nanocrystals.” Analytical Chemistry 74(1): 232-238. : Using AP-08-10.
- Peng, W.-P., Y.-C. Yang, et al. (2004). “Measuring Masses of Single Bacterial Whole Cells with a Quadrupole Ion Trap.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 126(38): 11766-11767. : Using AP-08-10.
- Wall, J. S., S. J. Kennel, et al. (2006). “Radioimaging of Light Chain Amyloid with a Fibril-Reactive Monoclonal Antibody.” J Nucl Med 47(12): 2016-2024. : Using AP-05-10.
- Wang, J. and C. Lu (2007). “Single molecule λ-DNA stretching studied by microfluidics and single particle tracking.” Journal of Applied Physics 102(7): 074703. : Using CP-50-10.
- Luo, Y., M. Alvarez, et al. (2008). “The Outcome of Phagocytic Cell Division with Infectious Cargo Depends on Single Phagosome Formation.” PLoS One 3(9): e3219. : Using PP-30-10.
- Zareie, H. M., S. W. Morgan, et al. (2008). “Nanocapacitive Circuit Elements.” ACS Nano 2(8): 1615-1619. : Using PP-025-10
- Cortie, M. B. and et al. (2010). "Optical properties and plasmon resonances of titanium nitride nanostructures." Nanotechnology 21(11): 115201.: Using PP-025-10
- Lantto, J., M. Haahr Hansen, et al. (2011). "Capturing the Natural Diversity of the Human Antibody Response against Vaccinia Virus." J. Virol. 85(4): 1820-1833.: Using PP-60-10.
Selected References: Streptavidin Coated Particles
- Nolan, J. P., Shen, B., et al. (1996). “Kinetic Analysis of Human Flap Endonuclease-1 by Flow Cytometry†.” Biochemistry 35(36): 11668-11676: Using SVP-60-5.
- Buranda, T., Jones, G. M., et al. (1999). “Ligand Receptor Dynamics at Streptavidin-Coated Particle Surfaces: A Flow Cytometric and Spectrofluorimetric Study.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103(17): 3399-3410: Using SVP-60-5.
- Buranda, T., Lopez, G. P., et al. (1999). “Peptides, antibodies, and FRET on beads in flow cytometry: A model system using fluoresceinated and biotinylated &bgr;-endorphin.” Cytometry 37(1): 21-31: Using SVP-60-5.
- Zuck, P., Lao, Z., et al. (1999). “Ligand-receptor binding measured by laser-scanning imaging.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96(20): 11122-11127: Using SVP-60-5.
- Sapp, S. A., D. T. Mitchell, et al. (1999). “Using Template-Synthesized Micro- and Nanowires as Building Blocks for Self-Assembly of Supramolecular Architectures.” Chemistry of Materials 11(5): 1183-1185. : Using SVP-08-10.
- Wilkins Stevens, P., Hall, J. G., et al. (2001). “Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms with solid phase invasive cleavage reactions.” Nucl. Acids Res. 29(16): e77-: Using SVP-30-10.
- Cannon, J. L., Labno, C. M., et al. (2001). “WASP Recruitment to the T Cell:APC Contact Site Occurs Independently of Cdc42 Activation.” Immunity 15(2): 249-259: Using SVP-60-5.
- Baumann, C., Bloomfield, V., et al. (2001). “Stretching of Single Collapsed DNA Molecules”, Biophysical Journal 787(4): 1965-1978: Using SVP-30-5.
- Williams, M. C., Wenner, J. R., et al. (2001). “Effect of pH on the Overstretching Transition of Double-Stranded DNA: Evidence of Force-Induced DNA Melting.” Biophysical Journal 80(2): 874-881: Using SVP-40-5.
- Williams, M. C., Wenner, J. R., et al. (2001). “Entropy and Heat Capacity of DNA Melting from Temperature Dependence of Single Molecule Stretching.” Biophysical Journal 80(4): 1932-1939: Using SVP-40-5
- Smith, D. E., Tans, S. J., et al. (2001). “The bacteriophage phi29 portal motor can package DNA against a large internal force.” Nature 413(6857): 748: Using SVP-20-5 and PGP-20-5
- Dhawan, S. (2002). “Design and construction of novel molecular conjugates for signal amplification (II): use of multivalent polystyrene microparticles and lysine peptide chains to generate immunoglobulin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates.” Peptides 23(12): 2099-2110: Using SVP-05-10, AP-025-10, and UMS-4000.
- Potter, R. M., Key, T. A., et al. (2002). “Arrestin Variants Display Differential Binding Characteristics for the Phosphorylated N-Formyl Peptide Receptor Carboxyl Terminus.” Journal of Biological Chemistry 277(11): 8970-8978: Using SVP-60-5.
- Zhang, Q-Y, Garner, K., et al. (2002). “Rapid detection of leukemia-associated translocation fusion genes using a novel combined RT-PCR and flow cytometric method.” Leukemia 16, 144-149: Using SVP-60-5.
- Brodsky, A. S. and Silver, P. A. (2002). “A Microbead-based System for Identifying and Characterizing RNA-Protein Interactions by Flow Cytometry.” Mol Cell Proteomics 1(12): 922-929: Using SVP-50-5.
- Gaffney, R., A. Chakerian, et al. (2003). “Novel Fluorescent Ligase Detection Reaction and Flow Cytometric Analysis of SYT-SSX Fusions in Synovial Sarcoma.” J Mol Diagn 5(2): 127-135. : Using SVP-60-5.
- Wilkins Stevens, P., Wang, C. H. J., et al. (2003). “Immobilized Particle Arrays: Coalescence of Planar- and Suspension-Array Technologies.” Analytical Chemistry 75(5): 1141-1146: Using SVP-08-10 and TP-08-10.
- Wilkins Stevens, P. and D. M. Kelso (2003). “Imaging and Analysis of Immobilized Particle Arrays.” Analytical Chemistry 75(5): 1147-1154: Using SVP-08-10.
- Dumont, S., W. Cheng, et al. (2006). “RNA translocation and unwinding mechanism of HCV NS3 helicase and its coordination by ATP.” Nature 439(7072): 105-108. : Using SVP-20-5 and DIGP-20-2.
- Fuller, D. N., G. J. Gemmen, et al. (2006). “A general method for manipulating DNA sequences from any organism with optical tweezers.” Nucl. Acids Res. 34(2): e15-.: Using SVP-20-5 and PGP-20-5.
- Valentine, M. T., P. M. Fordyce, et al. (2006). “Individual dimers of the mitotic kinesin motor Eg5 step processively and support substantial loads in vitro.” Nat Cell Biol 8(5): 470-476. : Using SVP-05-10.
- Noom, M. C., B. van den Broek, et al. (2007). “Visualizing single DNA-bound proteins using DNA as a scanning probe.” Nat Meth 4(12): 1031-1036. : Using SVP-15-5.
- Mejia, Y. X., H. Mao, et al. (2008). “Thermal Probing of E. coli RNA Polymerase Off-Pathway Mechanisms.” Journal of Molecular Biology 382(3): 628-637. : Using SVP-20-5 and PGP-20-5.
- Moffitt, J. R., Y. R. Chemla, et al. (2009). “Intersubunit coordination in a homomeric ring ATPase.” Nature 457(7228): 446-450. : Using SVP-08-10
- Aubin-Tam, M.-E., D. C. Appleyard, et al. (2010). "Adhesion through Single Peptide Aptamers." The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115(16): 3657-3664.: Using SVP-08-10
- van den Broek, B., M. C. Noom, et al. "DNA-tension dependence of restriction enzyme activity reveals mechanochemical properties of the reaction pathway." Nucleic Acids Research 33(8): 2676-2684.: Using SVP-15-5 and SVP-20-5
- Zhang, Z., V. I. Kottadiel, et al. (2011). "A Promiscuous DNA Packaging Machine from Bacteriophage T4." PLoS Biol 9(2): e1000592.: Using SVP-08-10.
Selected References: Avidin, Antibody and Various Protein Coated Particles
- Sarvazyan, N. A., Remmers, A. E., et al. (1998). “Determinants of Gi1α and βγ Binding.” Journal of Biological Chemistry 273(14): 7934-7940.: Using VP-60-5
- Di, A., B. Krupa, et al. (2002). “Quantal release of free radicals during exocytosis of phagosomes.” Nat Cell Biol 4(4): 279-285. : Using Goat anti-Mouse IgG (Fc) Coated Polystyrene Particles.
- Gaus, K., E. Chklovskaia, et al. (2005). “Condensation of the plasma membrane at the site of T lymphocyte activation.” J. Cell Biol. 171(1): 121-131. : Using MPFc-30-5.
- Di, A., M. E. Brown, et al. (2006). “CFTR regulates phagosome acidification in macrophages and alters bactericidal activity.” Nat Cell Biol 8(9): 933-944. : Using PP-08-10 and Goat anti-Mouse IgG Coated Polystyrene Particles.
- El Sayegh, T. Y., P. D. Arora, et al. (2007). “Phosphatidylinositol-4,5 Bisphosphate Produced by PIP5K Regulates Gelsolin, Actin Assembly, and Adhesion Strength of N-Cadherin Junctions.” Mol. Biol. Cell 18(8): 3026-3038. : Using Protein A Coated Particles.
- Alvarez, M. and A. Casadevall (2007). “Cell-to-cell spread and massive vacuole formation after Cryptococcus neoformans infection of murine macrophages.” BMC Immunology 8(1): 16. : Using MPFc-30-5.
- Nelson, S. S., S. Bollampalli, et al. (2008). “SprB Is a Cell Surface Component of the Flavobacterium johnsoniae Gliding Motility Machinery.” J. Bacteriol. 190(8): 2851-2857. : Using PGP-05-5
- Rhodes, R. G., S. S. Nelson, et al. (2011). "Flavobacterium johnsoniae sprB Is Part of an Operon Spanning the Additional Gliding Motility Genes sprC, sprD, and sprF." J. Bacteriol. 193(3): 599-610.: Using PGP-05-10.
Selected References: Fluorescent Coated Particles
- Brown, M. H., Boles, K., et al. (1998). “2B4, the Natural Killer and T Cell Immunoglobulin Superfamily Surface Protein, Is a Ligand for CD48.” J. Exp. Med. 188(11): 2083-2090: Using VFP-0552-5.
- Wild, M. K., Cambiaggi, A., et al. (1999). “Dependence of T Cell Antigen Recognition on the Dimensions of an Accessory Receptor-Ligand Complex.” J. Exp. Med. 190(1): 31-42: Using VFP-0552-5.
- Girardi, M., Oppenheim, D. E., et al. (2001). “Regulation of Cutaneous Malignancy by gammadelta T Cells.” Science 294(5542): 605: Using VFP-0558-5.
- Lin, H.-H., Stacey, M., et al. (2001). “Molecular Analysis of the Epidermal Growth Factor-like Short Consensus Repeat Domain-mediated Protein-Protein Interactions.” Journal of Biological Chemistry 276(26): 24160-24169: Using VFP-0558-5.
- Stacey, M., Chen, G., et al. (2002)“EMR4, a Novel Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)-TM7 Molecule Up-regulated in Activated Mouse Macrophage, Binds to a Putative Cellular Ligand on B Lymphoma Cell Line A20.” J. of Biological Chemistry. 277(32): 29283-29293: Using VFP-0552-5.
- Letarte, M., D. Voulgaraki, et al. (2005). “Analysis of leukocyte membrane protein interactions using protein microarrays.” BMC Biochemistry 6(1): 2. : Using Avidin Fluorescent Particles.
- Farlow, S., A. Jerusalmi, et al. (2007). “Enhanced transduction of colonic cell lines in vitro and the inflamed colon in mice by viral vectors, derived from adeno-associated virus serotype 2, using virus-microbead conjugates bearing lectin.” BMC Biotechnology 7(1): 83. : Using VFP-0558-5.
- Jiang, L. and A. N. Barclay (2009). “New assay to detect low-affinity interactions and characterization of leukocyte receptors for collagen including leukocyte-associated Ig-like receptor-1 (LAIR-1).” European Journal of Immunology 39(4): 1167-1175. : Using VFP-0552-5
- Calderon, B., J. A. Carrero, et al. (2011). "Cellular and molecular events in the localization of diabetogenic T cells to islets of Langerhans." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(4): 1561-1566.: Using SVFP-0556-5
- Wu, H., T. Suzuki, et al. (2011). "Keratinocyte Growth Factor Augments Pulmonary Innate Immunity through Epithelium-driven, GM-CSF-dependent Paracrine Activation of Alveolar Macrophages." Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(17): 14932-14940.: Using IgG coated fluorescent beads.
Selected References: Magnetic Particles and Ferromagnetic Particles
- Yang, L. J. S., Zeller, C. B., et al. (1996). “Detection and Isolation of Lectin-Transfected COS Cells Based on Cell Adhesion to Immobilized Glycosphingolipids.” Analytical Biochemistry 236(1): 161-167: Using CM-30-10.
- Lee, K., Tsai, K., et al. (1998) “Extracellular Matrix and Pulmonary Hypertension: Control of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Contractility.” American Journal of Cell Physiology. 274(43): H76-H82: Using CFM-40-10.
- Kopitz, J., von Reitzenstein, C., et al. (1998). “Galectin-1 Is a Major Receptor for Ganglioside GM1, a Product of the Growth-controlling Activity of a Cell Surface.”: Using CM-30-10.
- Hurst, G. B., Buchanan, M. V., et al. (1999). “Analysis for TNF-α Using Solid-Phase Affinity Capture with Radiolabel and MALDI-MS Detection.” Analytical Chemistry 71(20): 4727-4733: Using AM-10-10
- Fellner, S. K. and W. J. Arendshorst (2000). “Ryanodine receptor and capacitative Ca2+ entry in fresh preglomerular vascular smooth muscle cells.” Kidney Int 58(4): 1686-1694. : Using PM-40-10.
- Meyer, C. J., F. J. Alenghat, et al. (2000). “Mechanical control of cyclic AMP signalling and gene transcription through integrins.” Nat Cell Biol 2(9): 666-668. : Using CFM-40-10.
- Goldschmidt, M. E., McLeod, K. J., et al. (2001). “Integrin-Mediated Mechanotransduction in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells : Frequency and Force Response Characteristics.” Circ Res 88(7): 674-680: Using CFM-40-10.
- Chen, J., Fabry, B., et al. (2001). “Twisting integrin receptors increases endothelin-1 gene expression in endothelial cells.” Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 280(6): C1475-1484.: Using CFM-40-10.
- Wang, Q., Chiang, E. T., et al. (2001). “Changes in the biomechanical properties of neutrophils and endothelial cells during adhesion.” Blood 97(3): 660-668.: Using CFM-40-10.
- Wedemeyer, N., T. Potter, et al. (2002). “Flow cytometric quantification of competitive reverse transcription-PCR products.(Molecular Diagnostics and Genetics).” Clinical Chemistry 48(9): 1398(1398). : Using CM-30-10.
- Suzuki, H. and Ho, C.M. (2002) “A Magnetic Force Driven Chaotic Micro-Mixer.” Proc. 15th IEEE Int. Conf. MEMS’02 Las Vegas: 40-43: Using CM-10-10
- Biswal, S. L. and A. P. Gast (2004). “Micromixing with Linked Chains of Paramagnetic Particles.” Analytical Chemistry 76(21): 6448-6455. : Using AM-10-10.
- Hoffman, B. D., G. Massiera, et al. (2006). “The consensus mechanics of cultured mammalian cells.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103(27): 10259-10264. : Using CFM-40-10.
- Massiera, G., K. M. Van Citters, et al. (2007). “Mechanics of Single Cells: Rheology, Time Dependence, and Fluctuations.” Biophysical Journal 93(10): 3703-3713. : Using CFM-40-10.
- Berg, K. A., G. Zardeneta, et al. (2007). “Integrins regulate opioid receptor signaling in trigeminal ganglion neurons.” Neuroscience 144(3): 889-897. : Using CFM-40-10.
- Mitrelias, T., Palfreyman, J., et al. (2007). “Biological cell detection using ferromagnetic microbeads.” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310(2, Part 3): 2862-2864.: Using Amino Ferromagnetic Particles
- Agayan, R. R., R. G. Smith, et al. (2008). “Slipping friction of an optically and magnetically manipulated microsphere rolling at a glass-water interface.” Journal of Applied Physics 104(5): 054915.: Using AM-80-10 and CM-80-10.
- Andò, B., A. Ascia, et al. (2008). “Residence Times Difference Fluxgate Magnetometer for Magnetic Biosensing.” AIP Conference Proceedings 1025(1): 139-149. : Using CM-10-10.
- Xu, W. and J. Ketterson (2008). “Assembly of ordered magnetic microsphere arrays.” Journal of Applied Physics 104(4): 044701. : Using CM-150-10 and CM-200-10.
- De Los Santos V, L., J. Llandro, et al. (2009). “Magnetic measurements of suspended functionalised ferromagnetic beads under DC applied fields.” Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials 321(14): 2129-2134. : Using CFM-40-10.
Selected References: Coated Magnetic Particles and Ferromagnetic Particles
- Wang, N. and Butler, J. P., (1993). “Mechanotransduction across the cell surface and through the cytoskeleton.” Science 260(5111): 1124: Using FMFc-40-5.
- Collins, D. P., Luebering, B. J., et al. (1998). “T-lymphocyte functionality assessed by analysis of cytokine receptor expression, intracellular cytokine expression, and femtomolar detection of cytokine secretion by quantitative flow cytometry.” Cytometry 33(2): 249-255: Using VM-40-10.
- Simon, S. I., Cherapanov, V., et al. (1999). “Signaling Functions of L-Selectin in Neutrophils: Alterations in the Cytoskeleton and Colocalization with CD18.” J Immunol 163(5): 2891-2901.: Using FMFc-40-5.
- Lewis, J. C. and S. Daunert (2001). “Bioluminescence Immunoassay for Thyroxine Employing Genetically Engineered Mutant Aequorins Containing Unique Cysteine Residues.” Analytical Chemistry 73(14): 3227-3233. : Using Goat anti-Mouse IgG (Fc) Magnetic Particles.
- Wang, Q. and Doerschuk, C. M. (2001). “The p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Mediates Cytoskeletal Remodeling in Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells Upon Intracellular Adhesion Molecule-1 Ligation.” J Immunol 166(11): 6877-6884.: Using FMFc-40-5.
- Sawasaki, T., T. Ogasawara, et al. (2002). “A cell-free protein synthesis system for high-throughput proteomics.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99(23): 14652-14657. : Using Biotin Magnetic Particles.
- Raty, J. K., K. J. Airenne, et al. (2004). “Enhanced Gene Delivery by Avidin-Displaying Baculovirus.” Mol Ther 9(2): 282-291. : Using SVM-10-10.
- Yellen, B. B. and G. Friedman (2004). “Programmable Assembly of Colloidal Particles Using Magnetic Microwell Templates.” Langmuir 20(7): 2553-2559. : Using TM-60-5.
- Anker, J. N., Behrend, C. J., et al. (2005). “Magnetically-modulated optical nanoprobes (MagMOONs) and systems.” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 293(1): 655-662.: Using FCFM-4052-2.
- Yeung, S.-W., T. M.-H. Lee, et al. (2006). “A DNA biochip for on-the-spot multiplexed pathogen identification.” Nucl. Acids Res. 34(18): e118-.: Using VMS-30-10.
- Yeung, S. W. and Hsing, I. M. (2006). “Manipulation and extraction of genomic DNA from cell lysate by functionalized magnetic particles for lab on a chip applications.” Biosensors and Bioelectronics 21(7): 989-997.: Using VMS-30-10.
- Aytur, T., Foley, J., et al. (2006). “A novel magnetic bead bioassay platform using a microchip-based sensor for infectious disease diagnosis.” Journal of Immunological Methods 314(1-2): 21-29. Using SVM-40-10.
- McNaughton, B. H., R. R. Agayan, et al. (2007). “Single bacterial cell detection with nonlinear rotational frequency shifts of driven magnetic microspheres.” Applied Physics Letters 91(22): 224105. : Using FMFc-25-5.
- Hu, B.-H., M. R. Jones, et al. (2007). “Method for Screening and MALDI-TOF MS Sequencing of Encoded Combinatorial Libraries.” Analytical Chemistry 79(19): 7275-7285. : Using SVM-80-5.
- Gupta, S., R. G. Alargova, et al. (2009). “On-Chip Dielectrophoretic Coassembly of Live Cells and Particles into Responsive Biomaterials.” Langmuir. : Using CAM-08-5
- le Duc, Q., Q. Shi, et al. (2010). "Vinculin potentiates E-cadherin mechanosensing and is recruited to actin-anchored sites within adherens junctions in a myosin II–dependent manner." The Journal of Cell Biology 189(7): 1107-1115.: Using FCM-40-10.
Selected References: Fluorescent Magnetic Particles and Ferromagnetic Particles
- Yellen, B. B., Z. G. Forbes, et al. (2005). “Targeted drug delivery to magnetic implants for therapeutic applications.” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 293(1): 647-654. : Using FCM-02556-2.
- Gadish, N. and J. Voldman (2006). “High-Throughput Positive-Dielectrophoretic Bioparticle Microconcentrator.” Analytical Chemistry 78(22): 7870-7876. : Using FCM-1058-2.
- Muthana, M., S. D. Scott, et al. (2008). “A novel magnetic approach to enhance the efficacy of cell-based gene therapies.” Gene Therapy 15(12): 902-910. : Using FCM-02556-2
- Karl, S., T. M. E. Davis, et al. (2011). "Quantification of Plasmodium falciparum Gametocytes by Magnetic Fractionation." The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 84(1): 158-160.: Using FCM-7067-2.